Testimonials & Reviews
What People Are Saying
"My son's ankles were turned in and my PCP said nah...don't worry about it. Balanced Brain & Body measured where his reflexes were, if they've been integrated properly. Come to find out, perceived trauma if not dealt with, can have physical implications. They have been great with him and have been measuring his process closely. The home exercises they provided are easy to follow and have had a tremendous impact not only on his physical features but his behavior! I would definitely recommend their services to anyone looking for a second opinion backed by care; measured observation. I felt heard and was given the confidence to help where I was told just not to worry."
— Ashley
Feb 9 2024
"As a junior in high school...who has crippling anxiety, so much of my social life is non-existent. I struggle with anxiety but I feel now, I have an option to choose what I get anxious over and when I get anxious, whereas before it would come over me like a flood. Since the sessions, now on my 13th session with Neurofeedback therapy, I have been able to make a few friends. I even took a vacation that didn't end in a breakdown."
— Ilana
Jan 12 2024
"I love the Balanced Brain & Body membership because I get texts every week with easy to read, self-enhancing education. These practical bits of wisdom are seasoned with a range of different aspects of thoughtfulness, reminding me to relax, to even the chemical compounds I contend with daily.
The option of a membership just takes what I learn there with Melissa & Ashley,
the text keeps me motivated while I work it out practically."
— Jennifer
Oct 26 2022
"I am a teacher of the Cobb County school systems; to say I encounter stress is an understatement. Upon going to Balanced Brain & Body for help with stress I found supportive friends. I had a lot of past trauma that has stunted the proper flow of communication I found out through a brain map. I am finding that due to targeted therapy I am not as triggered as I once was. The friendly staff worked with my busy schedule and dedicated time to speak with me and gear my concerns. They helped me to articulate what I was feeling through the process; described it as unpacking a closet and cleaning it out. The best part is NeuroFeedback tackles the trauma I don't understand because it tackles the root not mask the symptoms."
— Jill
May 20 2022
A mom of 5, Shannon, came to us with a few concerns in the way of school, social, personal interactions she had been witnessing with her little ones. This is what she had to say after using the home unit for two months:

"My son Connor struggled to get his assignments turned in. After doing this training he comes home and can tell me what he's working on in each class and the status of his assignments. He has started to get the majority of his assignments in on time. Trevor struggled to stay focused in school and get his assignments finished during the class. Since doing the training he now can stay focused in class long enough to finish most of his assignments in allotted window of time to complete them. For Kelsey, I would say she struggled to make connections with people that she couldn't see anything in common with, she has opened up and can now make conversations easier."
— Shannon
July 2024